Melissa Tirico Melissa Tirico

October 2024 Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2024

FOC Booster Club Meeting 

Forsyth Central High School

7pm meeting called to order and quickly seconded. 

With a score of 95.33 we emerged as Grand Champions last Saturday and this Monday evening we took a moment to soak that in!

After a short celebration we moved on to a more grounding subject and reviewed finances. 

We currently have $54,328 in positive funds with an outstanding balance of student dues sitting at $10,840. This is down from around $16k last month. (A full breakdown of income and expenses are provided at every meeting.)

There are two more competitions and one away game remaining to finance travel for this season in addition to senior night/paws and rising vendor costs. If you know any potential sponsors now is the time to reach out! (Ameris funds are finished for the season)

Fundraising upcoming will include Sees candy, Ornaments to bedeck your tree with, fleece blankets to warm your bits on cool stadium nights, and an opportunity from our very own Rachel Monnin to make money for Central while buying your favorite MaryKay items (hello stocking stuffers!)

Spirit Night is around the corner November 8th at Stars and Strikes from 5:30- 8:30pm the vibe is “Band takes over for an end of season wrap up party” come hungry as we will earn a portion of all sales excluding alcohol so opt for a pitcher of chicken fingers!

Volunteers needed as always! Do you crossfit? Bring your squad to push props and instruments! No squad? How about sturdy teens? Bring their muscle, it takes a village! Chaperones can double for uniform helpers or prop pushers, if you are at the event we can use ya! If you aren’t sure where you’re needed just check where we beg on the reg.

Coming up soon- 

October 18th Pictures at the school 4pm, be in your members shirt, bibbers n’ dinkles! This is an online learning day so the kids will want to have been fed by the time they’ve arrived. The next opportunity for chow will be at the 3rd Quarter meal. 

October 19th Competition day in Marietta! Kids will be fed before leaving the school and they will eat again after they perform at 5:05pm

Tom Tucker report (not the one from Family Guy)

Tom only has two more Sunday emails to send for this season! We can go back to reading our Bed Bath and Beyond emails. 

October 25th- Nov 1st there will be NO PRACTICE, go study

We only have 4 more full performances!! Don’t miss any, volunteer at any or all.

October 28th is the Halloween concert that Amy Caputo is heading up. She will continue to provide details as they become available but expect a potluck type reception afterwards. There are certain items to bring depending on the students grade. 

Wednesday is the Trick or Treat @ Otwell- see for details

Competitions, get your tickets online and for the Comp in Rome it aint at Rome High School (although the parking will be plentiful there) so make sure you go to Barron Stadium to see the show… and volunteer. 

Indoor Drumline, currently at the gauging interest stage. If there is enough interest then there will be auditions. For more info on FOC Drumline, check out YouTube! 

Winter Guard auditions will be Nov 5th-7th (no travel for winter guard).

Holiday music will start next month! Details regarding time/day for the Christmas parade will be forthcoming. Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger!

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Melissa Tirico Melissa Tirico

September 2024 Meeting Minutes

9/9/2024 Booster Meeting Forsyth Central High School

Motion to start at 7pm by Pam Walker, seconded by Melissa Tirico


- Currently at $51,927.61

Projected income: $224,550

Current: $123,630.76

Projected expenses: $201,344

Current: $71,725.92

We are short Ameris projected income, have collected ~6k so far with 3 shows left.

Sponsorships, collected ~$13k 5 Names has generated $2,675

Brick sales $720

Car Wash $520

Spirit night, merch, raffles $1,015.96

Concessions $3,705

Double Good Popcorn Sales ~6k

Juke n Jive Wednesday 4-8pm

Volunteers Needed

Props, Chaperones, Concessions, Uniforms all need more volunteers. We also need a group of people to help move instruments etc on and off the field during the halftime shows.

Marketing help needed to work on creating a newsletter to post on the Flash Of Crimson website.

All Band fees are due this month!

The pre Exhibition meal will be available to order, link will be on band and cut time.

Upcoming Events: Childrens Healthcare Parade @ Fairgrounds Oct 2nd Please make sure nobody is leaving early for fall break as we are very close to our first competition!

Band-tober is coming! Be ready! Meeting wrapped up at 7:49pm

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Melissa Tirico Melissa Tirico

August 2024 Meeting Minutes

8/12/2024 Band Booster Meeting

Forsyth Central High School Called to order at 7pm by Pam Walker

Finances- Currently $36,620.32 in checking with $2,436 pending for a total of $39,056.32

Expenses projected

• 8th Grade Night 8/23

• Member shirts

• Show shirts

• Props

• Travel (drivers)

• Band Camp 8/24

*Need volunteers for 8th grade night

24/25 Budget Projected: $224,550

To Date: $98,824.97

Current: $201,344

To Date: $50,705.74

Net to Date: $48,119.23

Band Dues need to be collected, if you haven’t paid as of yet, please do as we are falling short.

Ameris: projected $25k and we are falling short with ~$12k so far.

NEED volunteers! 5 more shows left, don’t forget $50 goes to the students account and $50 to the band account, this is a great way to help out the band while having a good time with other parents, bring the in-laws, bring your neighbors!

Aug 24- Dan/Shay

Aug 31- Live/STP


We’re selling commemorative bricks, raffles (always need donations), car wash cards being sold for Uncle Charlies Carwash bringing in $10 per card sold (Cards are $20 a piece for a $25 car wash).

September 4-7 for Double Good popcorn sales, last year this brought in 7k.

September 11th 4pm-8pm Juke & Jive spirit night

Sponsorships: 20k so far, we need more sponsors!!!

Cut Time Use this for balances, fees, contact info, calendar of events, signups & volunteer events. This is updated frequently!

Tom will send out an email with info for upcoming events 2 weeks out every Sunday night and this will be posted to Cut Time AND the Band app. has the calendar of events posted by Tom Tucker

Band App Text based and great for real time information.

Volunteers needed!

Here are your contacts: Props- Tim Boyd

Concessions- Elaine Serecky, Catherine Rosborough, Mary Smith NEED MORE HELP HERE!!

Chaperones- Melissa Tirico & Gina Harper NEED MORE HELP HERE!!

Uniforms- Rachel Monnin NEED MORE HELP HERE!!

Pre Game meals Each meal is $8, cut off time for ordering is Thursday at noon You can order at the band booster website Also available here is merch, sponsor page, spirit wear for band and color guard.

Attendance Caputo will be the contact for absences. Fill out the absence form on 2 unexcused absences at most are tolerated but attendance is required for the safety and success of the band member and the band as a whole. Students should be using Dawg Time wisely to complete homework and any time missed from band will need to be made up. DO NOT email Tom Tucker regarding attendance!


September 6 Friday night, day in the life of a band kid for parents, email to come!

All county band exhibition- East Forsyth campus Sept 16th 8pm

Final Thoughts by Tom:

Please be mindful of maintaining a team mindset across the various clubs and groups. Support the football team and the cheer team as you would the band. Remember that you are sitting in the stands with parents that don’t want to hear negative comments about their kiddos. Let’s represent ourselves with pride and cheer on each student as if they belong to us!

Meeting called to close at 8:12pm

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Melissa Tirico Melissa Tirico

July 2024 MeetingMinutes

Forsyth Central Band Boosters, Inc.

General Monthly Meeting

Location: FCHS cafeteria, 131 Almon C. Hill Drive, Cumming, GA 30040

Attendees: see attached sheet

Motion to open meeting and seconded.

Welcome by President Pam Walker

● Flash of Crimson has 124 members this year, including 21 Color Guard members!

● Band contracts are due tonight! Students aren’t allowed to participate in band camp without them.

● July band fees are due tonight! You can pay Mary Smith, treasurer, in person or pay online thru Cut Time.

● Logo Store is here tonight! There are items available for purchase tonight as well as online.

● Make sure to visit the tables in the back of the room. We have an interest form for the “Band Room Bricks” fundraiser, volunteer sign up sheets, and door giveaways!

● Idelle Vivers is stepping down as bookkeeper now that her daughter has graduated from FCHS. Please help us welcome our new bookkeeper, Susan Payne! She is a 2020 graduate of FCHS and a former band member! We're excited to have her joining our team. Susan accepted the offer to join us on 7/2/24.

Committee Chairs

● New this year: we will be signing in and out when volunteering to keep track of participation. This will help us ensure everyone meets their volunteer requirements for the year. You may also opt out of volunteering by paying the $100 fee, available on Cut Time.

● Marketing/Communications - Still open! This committee is responsible for photography, communicating with the school, social media, and anything to promote the FOC.

● Pre-game meals/3rd Quarter Meals - Still open! This committee helps set up pre-game meals for Friday night football games and 3rd quarter meals. Also includes picking up pre-game meals on Friday (Chick-fil-a, Subway, etc.) and distributing them to the students.

Leadership ● Introduced the Leadership Team for 2024-2025!

Band Camp ● July 10-11th, Color Guard and Percussion

● July 11-12th Leadership

● July 15-19, 22 Full band ● July 23, 24, 25, 29, 30 evening camp only

● Make sure to eat a good breakfast before band camp - no milk!

● Lunch and snacks will be served during band camp. Students should bring in their grade level donations on the first day of camp each week. We rely on the generosity of your donations to be able to provide a wide variety of snacks to the students!

● Volunteers! We always need volunteers during band camp to help us prepare and serve food. It takes more than 1 or 2 volunteers to serve 140 students, assistants and directors!

● Band camp essentials: athletic shorts or compression shorts, white t-shirt with student name and instrument written on the front, close-toed shoes, extra pair of socks, baseball camp or hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, bug spray, and a LARGE water jug!


● Projected Income for 2024-2025 is $224,550 and projected expenses are $201,344, with a net income of $23,206. ●

Currently have $42563.60 in the bank, and $253.35 in Paypal for a total of $42816.95. We are in the process of doing away with the Paypal account.

● Projected upcoming expenses include band camp, props, instructor fees, uniforms, and trailer repairs.


● Tim Boyd, prop chair, announced they will be building on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 - 6:30 during band practice. He would also like to work during band camp salvaging materials from previous props.


● Cut Time sends text messages with reminders, payments, announcements, etc. Cut Time can also be used to pay your band fees, and has the option to “Share the Cost” with family and friends.

● We also communicate through the Band App, Facebook, Insta and (possible upgrade in the works!)


● The Ameris schedule for July and August is posted on Cut Time. Use the Sign Up Genius link on the announcement to volunteer. Reminder that this is for 18 and up.

● Know someone who owns a business? Ask about a sponsorship! If they donate $500 or more their business will be featured on the back of our show shirts!

Upcoming Events

● July 8th - band fees and contracts due

● July 12th - uniform fitting

● July 20th - Senior pictures on the football field 8:30 a.m. Evening pictures TBD.

● July 22nd - Senior pictures for banners at 8:30 a.m.

● July 26th - donation letters due ● August 12th - last band fee due!

● August 12th - Booster meeting 7 p.m.

● August 13th - Los Rios Cantina fundraiser 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.


● Mr. Tucker reminded everyone that band camp details have been sent out on Cut Time.

● If a student gets sick during band camp, they should tell their section leader, Captain or staff so we can try to help them. We have volunteers in the cafeteria that would be happy to help a student cool down and recover. Students should not call parents and leave without notification.

● Need an instrument? Hoping to have that on Monday..

● All drop off and pick up will be at the STUB entrance.

● Returning students: don’t head to the band room when you arrive. Everyone should go straight to the cafeteria. ● If you get your schedule and you’re not in the correct band class, there could be a scheduling conflict due to some pathways.

● Hoping to move into the new band room on Friday! Monday at the latest.

● The 2024 show is: PUPPETMASTER!

● If you’re attending band camp on Wednesday the 10th, come directly to the cafeteria. Directors will take you to the old band room to retrieve instruments.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Beth Becker

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Melissa Tirico Melissa Tirico

June 2024 Meeting minutes

Forsyth Central Band Boosters, Inc.

General Monthly Meeting June 10, 2024

Location: FCHS cafeteria, 131 Almon C. Hill Drive, Cumming, GA 30040

Attendees: see attached sheet

Motion to open meeting by Rachel Monnin and Melissa Tirico

Welcome by President Pam Walker

● Announced resignation of Louie Franco

● Pam will assume the role of President, and Beth Becker will assume the role of Vice President/Secretary until the Secretary role can be filled. Mary Smith will continue as Treasurer.

Committee Chairs

● Introduced all Committee Chairs. Each chair was given the opportunity to speak to the boosters in attendance about their committee, why they volunteer, what they enjoy, and what the committee does. Committee chairs were available after the meeting to greet parents and encourage volunteering.

● Concessions - Elaine Serecky, Mary Smith, Catherine

● Chaperones - Melissa Tirico and Gina Harper

● Props - Tim Boyd

● Uniforms - Rachel Monnin

● Fundraising - Currently Pam Walker; looking to fill this position with a new volunteer!

● Awards/Events - Rachel Monnin/Beth Becker

● Marketing/Communications - Open - This committee is responsible for photography, communicating with the school, social media, and anything to promote the FOC.

● Pre-game meals/3rd Quarter Meals - Open - This committee helps set up pre-game meals for Friday night football games and 3rd quarter meals. Also includes picking up pre-game meals on Friday (Chick-fil-a, Subway, etc.) and distributing them to the students.

● Band Camp - Rachel Monnin/Beth Becker


● Projected Income for 2024-2025 is $224,550 and projected expenses are $201,344, with a net income of $23,206.

● Currently have $26,243.17 in the bank, and $253.35 in Paypal for a total of $26,496.52. We are in the process of doing away with the Paypal account.

● We’re still adjusting to the new Ameris policy of minors not being allowed to work in concessions. This will have a negative impact on our fundraising with Ameris.

● Expenses anticipated in the next few months include band camp, props, and uniform repairs.

● Explained to the new Freshmen parents that we’ve had several large purchases the last two years; new uniforms in 2022 and a new 53’ trailer in 2023.


● Returning parents are familiar with the Charms App, which has been replaced by Cut TIme. ● Cut Time sends text messages with reminders, payments, announcements, etc.

● Cut Time can also be used to pay your band fees, and has the option to “Share the Cost” with family and friends.

● Cut Time doesn’t currently allow us to sign up volunteers. Announcements for volunteer opportunities will be sent via Cut Time with a link to a Sign Up Genius.


● The Ameris schedule for June and July is posted on Cut Time. Use the Sign Up Genius link on the announcement to volunteer.

● Check with your employer to see if they make “Charitable GIft” donations.

Upcoming Events

● 7/8/24 FOC event beginning at 5:30 p.m. All incoming Freshmen are invited to come meet student Leadership! Food trucks from Tacos and Tequilas and Kona Ice will be on hand. More details to come on this fun evening!

● 7/8/24 Booster Meeting 7 p.m. Very important meeting as all band camp details will be discussed.

Introduced Color Guard Director, Dakota Carter!


● Tucker will be sending out a detailed email about band camp in the coming weeks.

● July 8th is a very important booster meeting for all the band camp info. ● Dawg Days will be 7/23/24, which is a change to our band calendar. Cut Time has been updated.

● Links have been sent for everyone to log into the Band App and Cut Time. This is where you will find all important details and updates for everything band.

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